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Apr 15, 2024

Celebrating National Foot Health Awareness Month in April

Celebrating National Foot Health Awareness Month in April | AZ ORTHO

Our feet deserve more than just being shoved into shoes and forgotten. April is not just a month for spring cleaning but a timely reminder to appreciate these hardworking wonders and prioritize their well-being. 

Seeking care for your feet can be difficult if you don't know where to begin. Let’s explore common foot problems and simple yet effective tips to keep your feet happy and healthy.

Why You Should Seek Care for Your Foot Problems

Feet play a pivotal role in the overall well-being of your health. Foot issues can cause a multitude of other problems including spine and joint issues. 

Common Foot Problems and Preventive Measures

Here are some frequently encountered foot concerns and how to keep them at bay:

Athlete's Foot

Athlete's foot, a contagious fungal infection thriving in warm, moist environments, demands a clinical defense strategy. Rigorous hygiene practices, emphasizing regular cleansing and thorough foot drying, form the first line of prevention. Furthermore, the adoption of breathable footwear and the avoidance of barefoot exposure in public spaces are integral components of a strong approach to thwarting this common fungal adversary.

Corns and Calluses

Addressing the thickened areas of skin resulting from pressure and friction requires a podiatric perspective. Professionally fitted footwear is paramount to preventing the development of corns and calluses. Supplementing this, the strategic use of foot pads for targeted pressure relief and a moisturization routine contributes to a comprehensive preventive regimen, ensuring optimal foot health.

Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain, often attributed to inflammation of the plantar fascia ligament, necessitates strategic intervention. A professional regimen includes prescribed stretching exercises tailored to alleviate symptoms. Supportive footwear is essential to this approach, providing the necessary structural reinforcement. Additionally, professionally designed and recommended orthotics serve as a targeted solution for those navigating the challenges of plantar fasciitis.


Bunions, bony bumps at the base of the big toe, require a professional outlook for effective management. The crux lies in early intervention through selecting proper footwear, professionally guided to address specific concerns. Orthotics, prescribed by a healthcare professional, play a crucial role in mitigating discomfort and redirecting the progression of bunions, ensuring a professional and personalized approach to foot health.

Diabetic Foot Ulcers

For individuals with diabetes, the heightened risk of foot ulcers necessitates clinical vigilance. Regular foot checks under professional guidance serve as a preventive measure by identifying potential issues early on. The management of blood sugar levels, a core aspect of diabetic care, complements the professional approach to preventing diabetic foot ulcers. Moreover, the recommendation of suitable footwear by healthcare professionals becomes pivotal in safeguarding against complications.

Surgical Procedures and Treatments

If you consistently seek solutions for persistent foot pain, a surgical alternative could be a suitable choice. At AZ Ortho, our physicians are well-versed in the latest advancements in surgical procedures for foot care.

Tendon Repair Surgery

Tendon repair surgery is a specialized procedure designed to address injuries or damage to tendons, the fibrous tissues that connect muscles to bones. This surgical intervention becomes necessary when tendons suffer from tears, strains, or other injuries that hinder their normal function.

Bunion Removal Surgery

Bunion surgery is a medical procedure aimed at correcting the painful and often debilitating deformity known as a bunion. This condition can result in discomfort, swelling, and difficulty wearing regular footwear. Bunion surgery, also known as bunionectomy, involves the removal of the enlarged joint, realignment of the bones, and sometimes the correction of soft tissue surrounding the affected area.

Plantar Fasciitis Surgery

Plantar fasciitis surgery is a medical procedure designed to address the persistent and often debilitating condition of plantar fasciitis, which involves inflammation of the thick band of tissue (plantar fascia) connecting the heel bone to the toes.

Ankle Arthroscopy

Ankle arthroscopy surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating various joint-related issues within the ankle. During ankle arthroscopy, surgeons may repair or remove damaged tissues, address impingements, or perform other necessary interventions to restore optimal joint function.

Additional Tips for Foot Care

For those seeking to go the extra mile for their foot health, consider these additional tips:

Invest in a Foot Massager

Treat your feet to the luxury of a foot massager. Beyond relaxation, it promotes improved circulation, tension reduction, and relief from daily aches and pains. Elevate your self-care routine with this soothing addition.

Explore Therapeutic Socks

Consider the benefits of therapeutic socks. Compression socks enhance blood flow, relieve swelling, and promote overall foot health. If you're diabetic, opt for specialized diabetic socks with extra padding for added protection.

Try Epsom Salt Soak

Indulge in the simplicity of Epsom salt soaks. A warm soak can work wonders, reducing inflammation and soothing muscle aches. This uncomplicated remedy is a delightful addition to your foot care regimen.

Consider Orthotics

For personalized support, think about investing in custom-made orthotics. These can address specific needs, offering additional support and correcting biomechanical imbalances. Take a step towards comfort and long-term foot health with these tailored solutions.

Final Thoughts

National Foot Health Awareness Month provides a unique opportunity to shift our focus downward and appreciate the incredible complexity and resilience of our feet. Remember, as we step into the month of April, let's not just spring clean our homes but also take a moment to spring into action for the well-being of our feet. After all, healthy feet lay the groundwork for a life in motion.

If you're eager to prioritize your foot health,
AZ Ortho is here to guide you every step of the way. Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized solutions for your unique needs. Call us today at (480) 697-4824 and experience the difference in every step you take. 

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